3rd Place at the World’s First Quarantine Competition!
In the midst of this worldwide pandemic that all of us are living in, every single event consisting of a large gathering of people has been cancelled. All of the WCA competitions through the end of April have been cancelled, and it’s likely that even more competitions are to be cancelled in the near future. Nevertheless, the speedcubing community decided that just because none of us are able to physically gather for a competition, that doesn’t mean we can’t keep cubing alive! That is why a team of organizers on behalf of CubingUSA decided to put together the world’s first major quarantine competition, Cubing At Home I 2020. It took place two days ago on March 28, 2020, and almost 3,200 competitors from all over the globe came to compete! While some people, myself included, were lucky enough to compete in the morning through the afternoon, people on the other side of the world had to stay up through the middle of the night just to participate.
Personally, I’d say I did pretty well at this unprecedented online competition. Without the physical structure of a regular cubing competition, I sometimes find myself having trouble focusing while speedcubing, so I found the online competition quite difficult. However, I ended up performing pretty well across most of the events.
Most notably, out of the 1,150 competitors who participated in the Square-1 event, I was able to achieve 3rd place! I’m really proud to have done this well under quite a lot of pressure and nerves!