3rd in the World for Fastest Rubik’s Cube Solve!

On May 23, 2022, I attended my 86th speedcubing competition in Coquitlam, BC, Canada. Overall, the competition was quite mediocre except for one major result: I got a 4.03 solve that now places me 3rd in the world!
I’m simply speechless about this solve. With a little bit of luck, I managed to successfully execute the solution under pressure and get such an amazing time for me. It’s a bummer that this result just barely missed the sub-4 barrier (I would’ve been the third person ever to break sub-4), but who knows what the future holds in store?
What baffles me the most about this result is that I have now managed to surpass both Max Park and Feliks Zemdegs. Max and Feliks were and still are considered to be the two best cubers of all time, having set a combined total of 177 world records. They’re also well-known for starring in the Netflix documentary, “The Speed Cubers.”
Max Park’s current personal record stands at 4.09 seconds, and Feliks’ stands at 4.16. It is inexplicably mind-blowing to think that I have transcended these two cubers who I have looked up to and idolized since the day I picked up my first Rubik’s Cube.